Quick development process with the help of Assets HTTP API CRUD. In this part of the AEM Headless Content Author Journey, you can learn the (basic) concepts and terminology necessary to understand authoring content when using Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service as a Headless CMS. What are Content Fragment Models? Now that you have created a configuration, you can use it to create Content Fragment Models. ) that is curated by the. Representation. Navigate to Tools > Content Fragment Models and select the folder with the name of the configuration created in step 1. To get started with GraphQL queries and how they work with AEM Content Fragments, it helps to see some practical examples. Some content is managed in AEM and some in an external system. js (JavaScript) AEM Headless SDK for Java™. Tap or click the folder that was made by creating your configuration. Headless Content Architect Journey. This multi-part tutorial walks through the implementation of a React application for a fictitious lifestyle brand, the WKND. 1. Content can be created as Content Fragments and Editable Templates to create the Content Service API The key concept with Content Fragments, is the authored content is presentation-agnostic, meaning its intended for multi-channel use where the consuming application, be that AEM, a single page application, or a Mobile app, controls. AEM provides the Content Fragment core component - a component that lets you include content fragments on your pages. 5 and AEM as a Clod Services versions support Graph. AEM’s GraphQL APIs for Content Fragments. 1 - Modeling Basics; 2 - Advanced Modeling; 3 - Creating GraphQL Queries; 4 - Content Fragment Variations; 5 - GraphQL Endpoints; 6 - Author and Publish Architecture; 7 - GraphQL Persisted. The Story so Far. ; Exposing a Content Fragment variations content as JSON via AEM Content Services and API Pages for read-only use cases. An end-to-end tutorial illustrating how to build-out and expose content using AEM’s GraphQL APIs and consumed by an external app, in a headless CMS scenario. To achieve this it forgoes page and component management as is traditional in full stack solutions. The Content Fragment editor opens for the Downhill Skiing Wyoming adventure. Content fragments: Do not expose any. The Assets REST API lets you create. Persisted queries. AEM must know where the remotely rendered content can be retrieved. Select the Content Fragment Model and select Properties form the top action bar. In the left-hand rail, expand My Project and tap English. The endpoint is the path used to access GraphQL for AEM. This approach is similar to. Instead, consider leveraging AEM's Content Services API to access and render AEM Forms in a. Below is a summary of how the React application is built, how it connects to AEM Headless to retrieve content using GraphQL persisted queries, and how that data is presented. To get started with GraphQL queries, and how they work with AEM Content Fragments, it helps to see some practical examples. AEM Content Fragments can be used to describe and manage structured content. For an AEM Headless Implementation, we create 1. Log into AEM and from the main menu select Tools -> Assets -> Content Fragment Models. It has to be an Experience Fragment Web variation. At the beginning of the AEM Headless Content Author Journey the Introduction covered the basic concepts and terminology relevant to authoring for headless. for the Content Fragment: For even more information about the components available to you see the Component Console. The GraphQL API in AEM allows you to expose Content Fragment data to downstream applications. zip. Learn how to use AEM’s Assets REST API to manage Content Fragments and the GraphQL API for headless delivery of Content Fragment content. for the Content Fragment: For even more information about the components available to you see the Component Console. There are two editors for authoring Content Fragments. Content Fragment models define the data schema that is. Developer. Following AEM Headless best practices, the React application uses AEM GraphQL persisted queries to query adventure. Content Fragments Support in AEM Assets HTTP API feature helped us to solve the multiple challenges and provide a seamless headless delivery. Understand headless translation in AEM; Get started with AEM headless translation; Learn about headless content and how to. This end-to-end tutorial continues the basic tutorial that covered the fundamentals of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Headless and GraphQL. NOTE. 10. The AEM Headless SDK is set of libraries that can be used by clients to quickly and easily interact with AEM Headless APIs over HTTP. In the AEM menu, the Export Content Package or Import Content Package options allow to synchronize the whole project with the server. Know best practices to make your headless journey smooth,. Create, and configure, your Content Fragment Models. Multiple comma-separated arguments can be strung together. This article builds on those fundamentals so you understand how to update your existing headless content in AEM via the REST API. Some of these are: Headless Delivery: Using content fragments with AEM GraphQL APIs enables you to deliver structured content headlessly to applications. Set up folder policies to. Set up folder policies to. . Content Fragments - Configuration Browser. Please ensure that the previous chapters have been completed before proceeding with this chapter. Getting Started with the AEM SPA Editor and React. This end-to-end tutorial continues the basic tutorial that covered the fundamentals of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Headless and GraphQL. AEM Headless Content Architect Journey Overview; Content Modeling for Headless with AEM - An Introduction; Learn the Content Modeling Basics for Headless with AEM; Learn about Creating Content Fragment Models in AEM; Headless Translation Journey. This could be helpful when validating the model JSON. This guide covers how to. Headless in AEM - Let's create Content Fragment Models - Author, Book and EditorsTo subscribe the channel and get instant updates. Enabling and defining Content Fragment Models 2. Upon review and verification, publish the authored Content Fragments. AEM provides a Translation Integration Framework for headless content, allowing Content Fragments and supporting assets to be easily translated for use across locales. Details about defining and authoring Content Fragments can be found here. The Content Fragment Editor provides various modes to enable you to:. Log into AEM and from the main menu select Tools -> Assets -> Content Fragment Models. Components such as images, text, titles, and so on, can be easily dragged and dropped to build your content. Learn about Creating Content Fragment Models in AEM The Story so Far. Ensure the new Single line text input is selected on the left, and the Properties. Learn how to use Content Fragments in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) with the AEM GraphQL API for headless content delivery. They let you prepare content ready for use in multiple locations/over multiple channels, ideal for headless delivery. A Content Fragment is a special type of asset. With Content Fragments and the GraphQL API you can use Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service as a Headless Content Management System (CMS). Content Modeling for Headless with AEM - An Introduction; Learn the Content Modeling Basics for Headless with AEM; Learn about Creating Content Fragment Models in AEM; Headless Translation Journey. Understand headless translation in. g Endpoints, Model, Content Fragments should be published to make them available to the AEM publisher so that the Endpoints can be consumed by external systems. Provide a Model Title, Tags, and Description. The AEM Headless Client for Java is used to execute the GraphQL queries and map data to Java objects to power the app. Headless Content Architect Journey. Learn how to create a SPA using the React JS framework with AEM's SPA Editor. This is achieved using Content Fragments, together with the AEM GraphQL API (a customized implementation, based on standard GraphQL), to headlessly deliver structured content. This tutorial builds upon the WKND GraphQL App , a React app that consumes AEM Content Fragment content over AEM’s GraphQL APIs, however does not provide any. Content Fragment Models in AEM define the structure of content for your content fragments, serving as a foundation of your headless content. Last update: 2023-06-27. In the Create Site wizard, select Import at the top of the left column. The following Documentation Journeys are available for headless topics. 4 - Content Fragment Variations; 5 - GraphQL Endpoints; 6 - Author and Publish Architecture; 7 - GraphQL Persisted Queries; Basic Tutorial. The content in AEM is managed through Content Framnents and exposed through GraphQL API as a JSON. Select the Event Content Fragment Model and tap Edit in the top action bar. · Headless content sharing: Content is shared via JSON. GraphQL API View more on this topic. The AEM Headless SDK is set of libraries that can be used by clients to quickly and easily interact with AEM Headless APIs over HTTP. Tap or click the folder you created previously. At the beginning of the AEM Headless Content Author Journey the Introduction covered the basic concepts and terminology relevant to authoring for headless. Within AEM the delivery is achieved using the selector model and . We’ll cover retrieving Content Fragment data from AEM’s GraphQL APIs and displaying it in the React app. Set any additional parameters in the Arguments field. We set up headless content delivery and headless content management by using AEM’s GraphQL to deliver and Assets API to manage content (via Content Fragments). A mobile device is detected when the width is less than 1024px. NOTE. Experience Fragments, on the other hand, are experiences of their own – content and layout. AEM Headless Content Architect Journey Overview; Content Modeling for Headless with AEM - An Introduction; Learn the Content Modeling Basics for Headless with AEM; Learn about Creating Content Fragment Models in AEM; Getting. The React WKND App is used to explore how a personalized Target activity using Content. Content Reusability: With Headless CMS, authors can create content once and reuse it across multiple channels & touchpoints. An Experience Fragment is a group of one or more components including content and layout that can be referenced within pages. Content Fragments can be used anywhere on the website, on a channel fed by AEM, or through the Content Services API using a headless approach. Understand headless translation in. Tap or click Create. See the Sites documentation, Content Fragments - Authoring, for details of the new editor (primarily accessed from the Content Fragments console). Creating a. AEM supports up to ten levels of content nesting for Content Fragments. js) Remote SPAs with editable AEM content using AEM SPA Editor. 1. The AEM Headless SDK is available for various platforms: AEM Headless SDK for client-side browsers (JavaScript) AEM Headless SDK for server-side/Node. Understand headless translation in. Optional - How to create single page applications with AEM; Headless Content Architect Journey. The creation of a Content Fragment is presented as a wizard in two steps. Content Fragments. This CMS approach helps you scale efficiently to multiple channels. Components. You’ve also created a Content Fragment Model and Content Fragment, and defined a GraphQL endpoint and persisted query. SPA Editor Overview. AEM Experience Fragments (XF) translate the idea to enable you to also re-use content. A modern content delivery API is key for efficiency and performance of Javascript-based frontend applications. One of my personal favorite features that has come in useful for many client requirements is the ability to store structured data in AEM Content Fragments. Single page applications (SPAs) can offer compelling experiences for website users. In terms of. AEM Headless as a Cloud Service. Headless Content Architect Journey. Create Content Fragment Models. A “Hello World” Text component displays, as this was automatically added when generating the project from the AEM Project archetype. Select the Process step in the flow and select Configure by pressing the wrench icon. In the file browser, locate the template you want to use and select Upload. Understand headless translation in. Forms as a Cloud Service, lets you start creating, publishing, and delivering Core Components based Adaptive Forms and Headless Forms using your AEM Forms Cloud. json. Create the Person Model. Developer. Tutorials. supports headless CMS scenarios where external client applications render experiences using content managed in AEM. AEM Headless Content Architect Journey Overview; Content Modeling for Headless with AEM - An Introduction; Learn the Content Modeling Basics for Headless with AEM; Learn about Creating Content Fragment Models in AEM; Getting. Example applications are a great way to explore the headless capabilities of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Variations are a significant feature of AEM’s Content Fragments. Add a default image if you’d like. They do not leverage page templates. AEM provides a Translation Integration Framework for headless content, allowing Content Fragments and supporting assets to be easily translated for use across locales. Tap Home and select Edit from the top action bar. Manage GraphQL endpoints in AEM. How AEM Experience Fragments Work To create an Experience Fragment you need to choose a template that defines what components will be used to compose an experience. The advanced tutorial illustrates in-depth aspects of working with Content Fragment Models, Content Fragments, and the AEM GraphQL persisted queries, including using the GraphQL. AEM Content Fragments work together with the AEM GraphQL API (a customized implementation, based on standard GraphQL), to deliver structured content for use in your applications. The preview experience links the AEM Author’s Content Fragment editor with your custom app (addressable via HTTP), allowing for a deep link into the app that renders the Content Fragment being previewed. js application demonstrates how to query content using AEM’s GraphQL APIs using persisted queries. Using Content Fragments on AEM Sites (or AEM Screens) via the AEM WCM Core Components' Content Fragment component. Design, create, and publish content. Understand headless translation in. Content Fragments can be used on AEM Sites pages, or in a similar fashion, Experience Fragments,. Components are the fundamental authoring building block of content pages in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). The structured data can be managed through Content Fragments in AEM and shared through Graph QL API to support the omnichannel experiences. Prerequisites Customers using GraphQL should install the AEM Content Fragment with GraphQL Index Package 1. This article builds on these so you understand how to create your own Content Fragment Models for your AEM headless project. For the export of Experience Fragments and/or Content Fragments to Target, you only need the Adobe Target Configuration and IMS. Enabling Content Fragments in AEM allows modular content creation, enhancing consistency and adaptability. Understand headless translation in. Audience: Advanced; Objective: Learn how to use the REST API to access and update the content of your Content Fragments: Introduce the AEM Assets HTTP API. Use AEM Content Fragment Models to define the structure of Content Fragments, the basis of your headless content. com 1 - Defining Content Fragment Models; 2 - Authoring Content Fragments; 3 - Explore GraphQL APIs; 4 - Build a React app; Advanced Tutorial. First select which model you wish to use to create your content fragment and tap or click Next. AEM Content Fragments can be used to describe and manage structured content. Structured content is defined in models that can contain a variety of content types; including text, numerical data, boolean, date and time, and more. . They can also be used together with Multi-Site Management to enable you to. The best practice is a language-based structure with no more than 3 levels between the top-level authoring and country sites. Customers who do not have an existing Target account, can request access to. Introduce and discuss. Once headless content has been. . The developer is not in control of the structure of the app and the portion of content delegated to AEM. A modern content delivery API is key for efficiency and performance of Javascript-based frontend applications. First, we’ll guide you through enabling Content Fragments in AEM, covering necessary configurations and settings for seamless integration. AEM Content Fragments, CF, are units of reusable and modular content in AEM that can be managed and shared across multiple pages and digital channels. . NOTE. Perform the following steps to enable lazy loading on an Adaptive Form Fragment: Open the Adaptive Form in authoring mode that contains the fragment you want to enable for lazy loading. Chapter 3 of the AEM Headless tutorial covers creating and authoring Event Content Fragments from the Content Fragment Model created in Chapter 2. After defining your Content Fragment Models you can use these to create your Content Fragments. The GraphQL API of AEM provides a powerful query language to expose data of Content Fragments to downstream applications to support headless content sharing with external systems. This Web Component application demonstrates how to query content using AEM’s GraphQL APIs using persisted queries and render a portion of UI, accomplished using pure JavaScript code. The SPA Editor offers a comprehensive solution for supporting SPAs. It used the /api/assets endpoint and required the path of the asset to access it. Available for use by all sites. AEM as a Cloud Service and AEM 6. You are now ready to move on to the next tutorial chapter, where you will learn how to create an AEM Headless React application that consumes the Content Fragments and GraphQL endpoint you created in this chapter. Headless implementations enable delivery of experiences across platforms and channels at scale. In the left-hand rail, expand My Project and tap English. In the left-hand rail, expand My Project and tap English. Download Advanced-GraphQL-Tutorial-Starter-Package-1. AEM’s headless features. Overview; 1 -. To help with this see: A sample Content Fragment structure. However it is important to keep in mind that AEM must iteratively resolve each reference defined in the parent Content Fragment, then check if there are any child references in all siblings. The Story so Far. AEM’s Associated content feature provides the connection so that assets can be optionally used with the fragment when it is added to a content page. Develop your test cases and run the tests locally. Following AEM Headless best practices, the iOS application uses AEM GraphQL persisted queries to query adventure data. Removal of Implanted Metal – Hardware removal: A Guide to Recovery After Surgery • 104 - 3551 Blanshard St. Now that you have created some content fragments, you can use AEM’s APIs to deliver them headlessly. Select the Process tab and select Publish Content Tree from the drop-down list, then check the Handler Advance check box. For the AEM publish tier, it allows a variable number of publishers to subscribe. They are pure content, with definition and structure, but without additional visual design and/or layout. Headless CMS in AEM. This section covers the original editor, primarily accessed from the Assets console. NOTE. Install an AEM package that contains several folders and sample images used to accelerate the tutorial. You can also extend this Content Fragment core component. Once headless content has been. This is the same framework used to translate other AEM content, such as Pages, Experience Fragments, Assets, and Forms. Author in-context a portion of a remotely hosted React application. AEM provides the Content Fragment core component - a component that lets you include content fragments on your pages. Tap the. Experience Fragments, on the other hand, are experiences of their own – content and layout. Created for: User. Understand headless translation in AEM;. Tap or click Create -> Content Fragment. Documents - Proof of concepts have shown that also Word, Excel, Google Docs or Markdown documents can also be edited the same. User. Developers using the React framework create a SPA and then map areas of the SPA to AEM components, allowing authors to use familiar AEM Sites editing tools. Cloud Service; AEM SDK; Video Series. Tap or click on the folder that was made by creating your configuration. The content fragments enable: . Content Fragment variations adhere to the Content Fragment Model, however, have variations in content. For example, to get an idea of how the final output will look. Structured content is defined in models that can contain a variety of content types; including text, numerical data, boolean, date and time, and more. AEM Content Fragment Models define content schemas which can be used to templatize the creation of raw content by AEM authors. Learn how to enable certain Content Fragment functionality in the Configuration Browser to use Adobe Experience Manager’s (AEM) powerful headless delivery features. AEM as a Cloud Service GraphQL API used with Content Fragments is heavily based on the standard, open source GraphQL API. There are two options for exposing Content Fragment as JSON to support a 3rd party channel in a headless use case: Content Fragment Models in AEM define the structure of content for your content fragments, serving as a foundation of your headless content. When developing the models for Content Fragments as part of your AEM headless implementation, you might want to view sample JSON output for a content fragment, as based on a model. The discussion around headless vs. Persisted queries are GraphQL queries that are created and stored on the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) server. Any Aspect The approach to delivering a Content Fragment via a web channel is straightforward by using the Content Fragment component with AEM Sites. The below video demonstrates some of the in-context editing features with. Explore integration possibilities with headless CMS platforms, digital asset management systems, content personalization platforms,. Tutorials by framework. Permissions and personas can broadly be considered based on the AEM environment Author or Publish. Optional - How to create single page applications with AEM; Headless Content Architect Journey. This supports the headless Content. With Adobe Experience Manager version 6. Topics: Content Fragments. Next Steps. AEM Content Fragments work together with the AEM GraphQL API (a customized implementation, based on standard GraphQL), to deliver structured content for use in your applications. Select Next to proceed to the Properties tab. Learn how to integrate AEM Headless with Adobe Target, by exporting AEM Content Fragments to Adobe Target, and use them to personalize headless experiences using the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK’s alloy. 0+ version supports GraphQL API to expose the Content Fragment to enable the headless content experience. 3 and has been continuously improved since then, it mainly consists of the following components:. This means you can realize. AEM Headless Developer Portal; Overview; Quick setup. Headless CMS. In this chapter of Advanced concepts of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Headless, learn how to edit a Content Fragment Model by adding tab placeholders, date and time, JSON objects, fragment references, and content references. AEM content fragments are pure content with structured data that offer businesses a bunch of benefits for content authoring, maintenance, and distribution. AEM’s headless features. Japanese folklore contains the legend of a vampire-like creature called the nukekubi, meaning “prowling head. Chapter 3 of the AEM Headless tutorial covers creating and authoring Event Content Fragments from the Content Fragment Model created in Chapter 2. The endpoint is the path used to access GraphQL for AEM. 17. Headless implementation forgoes page and component management, as is traditional in. Understand headless translation in. AEM comes with a variety of out-of-the-box components that provide comprehensive functionality for. Content Modeling for Headless with AEM - An Introduction; Learn the Content Modeling Basics for Headless with AEM; Learn about Creating Content Fragment Models in AEM; Headless Translation Journey. AEM Content Author AEM Content Author Epsilon Solutions Ltd. 3, Adobe has fully delivered its. Example applications are a great way to explore the headless capabilities of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Content Fragments are used in AEM to create and manage content for the SPA. AEM content fragments are pure content with structured data that offer businesses a bunch of benefits for content authoring, maintenance, and distribution. With Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service, Content Fragments lets you design, create, curate, and publish page-independent content. This involves structuring, and creating, your content for headless content delivery. . What are Content Fragment Models? Now that you have created a configuration, you can use it to create Content Fragment Models. Objective. Next, we’ll use the AEM Headless SDK to retrieve Content Fragment data from AEM’s GraphQL APIs. Download Advanced-GraphQL-Tutorial-Starter-Package-1. Select the Content Fragment you would like to export to target. The GraphQL API allows you to create. AEM supports up to ten levels of content nesting for Content Fragments. The Content Fragment Editor provides various modes to enable you to:. Chapter 2 of the AEM Headless tutorial covers enabling and defining Content Fragment Models used to define a normalized data structure and authoring interface for creating Events. Objective. Optional - How to create single page applications with AEM; Headless Content Architect Journey. js application demonstrates how to query content using. Adobe has adopted Adobe Commerce’s GraphQL APIs as its official commerce API for all commerce-related data. They can be used to access structured data, such as texts, numbers, dates, among others. The Title should be descriptive. Full Content-Package Synchronization. You now have a basic understanding of headless content management in AEM. Content Fragments, independent of layout, can be used directly in AEM Sites with Core Components or can be delivered in a headless manner to downstream channels for. In this design pattern, the SPA application is completely separated from AEM, and content from AEM is consumed through headless GraphQL APIs as needed. This method can then be consumed by your own applications. If you require a basic introduction to creating Content Fragment Models, please see the appropriate chapter in the basic tutorial. Understand headless translation in. Admin. Updating your Content Fragments. Structured Content Fragments were introduced in AEM 6. This could be helpful when validating the model JSON. js. Editable Templates are used to define the JSON content structure AEM Content Services ultimately expose. In AEM 6. Content Fragments. The Content Fragment Editor provides various modes to enable you to: Edit the content and manage. In the previous chapter, you added three new fragment references to an Adventure Content Fragment: location, instructorTeam, and administrator. A content fragment is a special type of asset. Learn how to use the Assets console to manage your AEM Content Fragments, the basis of your headless content. AEM Headless is a CMS solution from Experience Manager that allows structured content (Content Fragments) in AEM to be consumed by any app over HTTP using GraphQL. This article builds on these so you understand how to create your own Content Fragment Models for your AEM headless project. AEM Content Fragments work together with the AEM GraphQL API (a customized implementation, based on standard GraphQL), to deliver structured content for use in your applications. . Content Fragment are reusable, presentation-agnostic content composed of structured data elements such as. The React WKND App is used to explore how a personalized Target. For an end-to-end example of building your own single-page application that is editable with AEM starting with project setup through application routing, see the WKND SPA Tutorials: Getting Started with the AEM SPA Editor and Angular. Headless Content Architect Journey. Let’s take a look to see how content fragment models and content fragments can help you with your AEM sites and headless use cases. The Events Content Fragment Model and references Event Images will automatically be published along with the content fragments. AEM 6. Content Fragments are editorial content that can be used to access structured data including texts, numbers, and dates, among others. Below is a summary of how the Web Component is built, how it connects to AEM Headless to retrieve content using GraphQL persisted queries, and how that data is presented. Before using Content Fragments, use the Configuration Browser to enable the following: Content. In this chapter of Advanced concepts of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Headless, learn how to edit a Content Fragment Model by adding tab placeholders, date and time, JSON objects, fragment references, and content references. The SPA retrieves this content via AEM’s GraphQL API. This tutorial explores how AEM’s GraphQL APIs and headless capabilities can be used to power the experiences surfaced in an external app. The following Documentation Journeys are available for headless topics. Edit the content and manage. Working with Content Fragments; Headless Delivery with Content Fragments and GraphQL; Enable Content Fragment Functionality for your Instance; Content Fragment Models;. supports headless CMS scenarios where external client applications render experiences using content managed in AEM. Authoring Content Fragments 3. The ImageRef type has four URL options for content references:The Content Fragments console is dedicated to managing, searching for, and creating Content Fragments. In this chapter of Advanced concepts of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Headless, learn to work with tabs, date and time, JSON objects, and fragment references in Content Fragments. define an AEM Content Services end-points using AEM Sites’ Templates and Pages that expose the data as JSON. This is the same framework used to translate other AEM content, such as Pages, Experience Fragments, Assets, and Forms. At the beginning of the AEM Headless Content Author Journey the Introduction covered the basic concepts and terminology relevant to authoring for headless. You have learned the basics of Headless CMS Authoring, with an introduction to authoring with AEMaaCS and in particular, authoring Content Fragments. Generate a JWT token and exchange that token for an access token using Adobe’s IMS APIs. AEM’s GraphQL APIs for Content Fragments. It’s primary feature is offering the ability to view context data while simulating and switching between various personas. The full code can be found on GitHub. Locate the Layout Container editable area beneath the Title. Developer. Navigate to Tools > General > Content Fragment Models. Provide a Model Title, Tags, and Description. Create Content Fragments based on the. Learn how to use Content Fragments in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service with the AEM GraphQL API for headless content delivery. Create a query that. This article builds on those fundamentals so you understand how to update your existing headless content in AEM via the REST API. You can also extend this Content Fragment core component. 1. Following AEM Headless best practices, the React application uses AEM GraphQL persisted queries to. Next, explore the power of AEM’s GraphQL API using the built-in GraphiQL Explorer. For other programming languages, see the section Building UI Tests in this document to set up the test project. Build a React JS app using GraphQL in a pure headless scenario. Typically, an AEM Headless app interacts with a single AEM. ”. Using this path you (or your app) can: receive the responses (to your GraphQL queries). Using Content. The headless CMS extension for AEM was introduced with version 6. Provide a Model Title, Tags, and Description. Content Fragments and Experience Fragments are different features within AEM:. The application uses two persisted queries:. Editable Templates are used to define the JSON content structure AEM Content Services ultimately expose. Created for: Beginner. How to create. AEM provides a Translation Integration Framework for headless content, allowing Content Fragments and supporting assets to be easily translated for use across locales.